Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I will return to my blog...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I'm a bad blogger...
This was from our old house, but I thought it was funny :)
First off, I finished my b&w dress with red trim! I haven't worn it yet, but plan on it! I need the right pair of red maryjanes to go with it... yet another excuse to go shopping.
Did I mention it has pockets? I love pockets.
The sleeve has elastic inside the red trim. Its a fairly easy technique, and I've used it in a few shirts that I've made with cap sleeves. What I did here was press and fold over the red fabric to create a casing, sew it closed, but leave an opening so that you can thread through the elastic. I usually attach a safety pin to either side of my elastic, lest it get lost in the fabric. Then you thread it through, attach both ends of elastic together, and either hand stitch or zig zag the opening!
Next up, a creation that is actually not my creation. My sewing class buddy Kate made this lovely cherry dress for herself, but realized after it was nearly done, that it wasn't going to fit in the, ah, chest area. Since I don't really have that problem, she gave it to me to finish and wear. I had to take it up in the shoulders, since like I said, I don't have a bosom problem, and I just need to finish the hem with some hem tape. Since this fabric is silky, hem tape is the best thing to use to finish off the ends. Its an iron-on applique, that you iron and fold the fabric over to secure.
Not that I have used it before, but I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out. Hah.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
For my next act, da da daaaaaa.....

a salwar kameez, or basically a tunic and pants. Probably not going to look like this, I ripped this from the internet, but you get the gist. This outfit is for my friend Mariam's wedding. Haven't decided whether I plan to wear this to the wedding or to the henna ceremony, but it will be worn, oh yes, it will be worn. The one problem I have had has been finding fabric... Joann's carries sari fabric, but not a very wide selection. I've asked around, and I'm thinking I may need to take a trip to the East Bay.
OK, so I've been tagged in Yarned Forces blog, so its my turn at this Meme.
The rules:- Link to the person who tagged you- Mention the rules- Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular or random details about yourself- Tag six other bloggers by linking to them- Go to each person's blog and leave a comment that lets them know they've been tagged.
1. I have a cat named Bella, who likes to rub people's armpits with her head. This is a recent finding. I caught her molesting Cameron's armpit one night last week.
2. Once, for my birthday, one of my friends gave me Pokemon stuff. By stuff I mean stationary, pens, etc. And by gave I mean she thought I was really going to like it, and you know, it was a nice thought, but I was really confused by it. To this day, I still have not made the connection as to why she thought I liked Pokemon...other than that I used to have the game for my Gameboy (remember those?)
3. I have an unhealthy obsession with purchasing DVDs. Combined our collection is close to 300, and growing. In fact, I just bought two this morning on Amazon. Hey, at least I qualified for the Free Super Saver Shipping.
4. My hair is naturally curly, but I straighten the shit out of it everyday because I could never accept that I was born with curls.
5. Once, at bandcamp... no really, once on a company retreat, I nearly witnessed a homicide in the Truckee river. By homicide I mean my co-worker brandished and swung an oar at another unsuspecting co-worker... Her cigarette had fallen in the water, can you really blame her?
6. I love black eyeliner. I've been using the same brand for about six years. I tend to be a loyal customer when I find something I like.
Um, OK, since I don't have six bloggers to tag, I'm going to tag one (although he may not even see it, haha)
BTW, the two movies I bought today? "Control" and "Depeche Mode 101"
FYI 101 is a great flick to put on while crafting.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Its not complete however. I haven't attached the sleeves or finished the hem. Its a little hard to tell in the picture, but it has pockets!!! Gloriously large pockets! The red strips are the pocket detail. I also added red fabric to the neckline. The original pattern called for a much higher neckline. I brought the neckline down by about 5 inches, which changed the way in which I was able to finish the hem of the neckline. I cut a 3 inch thick strip of red fabric and attached it much in the same way you attach bias tape. I had to notch the inside of the hem in order to be able to sew on the curves. I did have a minor incident (GASP) where I accidentally cut the front of the dress... luckily this happened in class and our instructor, Alicia, was there to the rescue.

This movie will definitely be joining our collection in the near future.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sewing Class Tonite!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Nice Cup 'O Joe
Sewing class starts next Monday, which I'm very excited for! I will be sure to bring my camera to class and snap some pics.